Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas loans taking care of financial high tide of Yuletide

Can you feel the chill in the air? And there it begins to snow! Vast open spaces, roof tops, trees. - all covered with layers of white pure snow. Sure sign that Christmas is not far. Everything changes during Christmas time. Psychologically it breeds happiness, fun frolic, everything good and worth looking forward to. Another thing that is inevitably related to Christmas is expenses.

With so many people neglecting Christmas when it comes to saving for, implies borrowing in one form or the other. When you are borrowing then the best way inarguably is Christmas loans. Many people think that credit card is a better way to pay for Christmas expenses. But if you are thinking of borrowing for longer time period than Christmas loans offer better value for money.

Christmas loans is specific name for personal loans for Christmas. There are huge advantages of taking Christmas loans over any other alternative form. The personal loans for Christmas have lower interest rates than credit cards or overdraft. This certainly implies that your monthly repayments will be smaller and also you will be able to pay back your loan faster. The interest rates for Christmas loans are usually fixed. This means you pay fixed monthly payments for the entire loans term. This helps the borrower to plan budget effectively when a set amount goes in the form of repayments. The loan term with Christmas loans is also fixed. So you know exactly when you are going to be free of debt.

Taking Christmas loans will enable you to make the purchase you want to make and not settle for a compromise. This freedom is indeed desirable. Make your budget and then apply for Christmas loans. Christmas loans can help sticking to that budget by assigning a limit to expenses. This limit might be missing in a credit card and prevent borrower from making unnecessary expenses.

There is no compulsion on how the borrower uses Christmas loans. He can spend a part of Christmas loans on shopping and other part he can save and use for any future use. Or he may not use it for shopping at all and pay for some other necessity with Christmas loans. Lenders have no say on how you use the money.

Time for taking Christmas loans should coincide with when you feel is right. Usually people apply for Christmas loans when Christmas is around the corner or when they start shopping. This is ideally the appropriate time to

Start looking for Christmas loans. Approval time would vary from lender to lender. However, faster approvals are now provided by lenders and you won't be hanging around for approval. However, if you have missed the bus and failed to apply even after Christmas is over - you still can beat the overspending hangover. Christmas loans can help you pay for expensive credit card and overdrafts.

Christmas loans are available for amount 500-50,000. Homeowners have the choice between secured and unsecured personal loans. Christmas loans cater to tenants also - both private and council tenants, as well as tenants of housing associations. And if you think Christmas loans outcast those with negative credit - you are wrong! Christmas loans are available for those with CCJs, defaults, arrears, late payments etc.

Before shopping for Christmas don't forget to shop for Christmas loans. Consumers can save many pounds by carefully looking around for loans. If one is borrowing why not borrow what is financially good. This is possible by going around different sites and looking for what they have to offer. Christmas loans Lenders will offer attractive offers which may or may not be that attractive for you. Check the rates that are offered to you as an individual. Therefore don't settle for the first Christmas loans you find suitable. Ask for quotes and compare various Christmas loans and then make your decision.

This year one in four people are ready to borrow money for Yuletide. While making shopping spree this Christmas, make sure the interest doesn't extend to the time when you next see the snow. One sound financial decision will make sure the fun lasts. Christmas loans when used appropriately are an investment - an investment in something worthwhile, which lasts forever - family.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

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Monday, December 29, 2008

How to Draw a Personal Budget that Works

Many people spend their little income haphazardly without any planning and end up getting broke before month-end. They then borrow to make ends meet and end up with more problems that they fail to repay their debts promptly.

However, this is not a prudent way of managing your personal financial affairs. Planning your personal financial affairs through prioritization of needs and budgeting income and expenses is the best way to achieving success in managing your financial affairs.

It is important first to assess your financial needs in the short, medium and long term. What are your financial objectives? What do you want to achieve in the course of time? Do you have any targets? What is your short, medium and long term needs? List all of them down.

Next categorize income and expenses on a monthly basis. Then prioritize expenses into most important, important and most important. You can use any other weighting or prioritization formula that works best for you.

After this assess costs based on consumption per month. Put figures to the expense items. Then write down your income sources and the amount you earn per month from them. List the income on the left and the expenses on the right. Add up income amounts against expense amounts and find the difference to determine surplus or deficit.

Once you have added and reduced items and figures several times and you are finally satisfied with the results, type your figures on a computer spreadsheet or word processor table and save it. You may also print it and file it for regular reference.

To make it work successfully for you, you must vow to stick to the budget. Any deviation must be absolutely necessary and funds should be made available separately to meet the extra expenditure. Where no funds are available, some cutbacks or borrowing from other expense votes. You should ensure that you refund any funds borrowed from any expense votes to enable the votes to be expended.

To be frank, most people would want to spend more and more irrespective of their financial ability. However, arbitrary unbudgeted spending may be hazardous to your financial health.

About The Author

Abdallah Khamis Abdallah is a freelance copywriter and ghostwriter. To learn more about how you and your business can benefit from viral and credibility marketing solutions visit his website at: http://www.qualitywritingsolutions.com, quantumpro@lycos.com

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Car Insurance Monitoring for Discounted Insurance Rates Privacy Devouring Monster Eating Us One Bi

For a price, would you let car insurer along for the ride? -asks a USA Today technology story by Kevin Maney. It seemsthat Progressive Insurance and IBM have worked out a scheme topay drivers to be safer - by monitoring their every move intheir own cars, and how fast they make that move, and wherethey park, and what time they drive.

The program is being tested in Minnesota and in the U.K. in aprivacy busting program that rewards drivers for keeping underthe maximum speed limits and driving during safer times ofday. It's an interesting twist that is compared here to ashopper reward card that monitors what you buy, although itdoesn't give you lower prices if you buy healthy food - whichseems like the best analogy. (But it does let the food chainsknow how often you shop and how much you spend on what typesof food, and alcohol, and cigarettes and trashy tabloids.)

Drivers must attach an electronic monitor to their cars thatdownloads information which is generated and stored there indiagnostic chips included in most newer model vehicles. As theydrive, it stores current driving behavior - and location - anddriving times and at the end of the defined time, drivers takethe unit into the house, attach a USB cable and download thatinformation into their computer and transmit it toProgressive.

But the insurance discount program does have an interestingtwist in the Minnesota test. Apparently drivers who see fromtheir downloaded information (or just know they drove badly attimes) that they exceeded maximum speed limits, drove duringexpensive times (2am when bars close is most expensive, after11pm is next) can choose NOT to send that information toProgressive and pay the normal undiscounted insurance rate.

It appears to have the true benefit of making drivers becomemore cautious and drive within limits of the law during safehours. There is nothing wrong with this for those willing togive up the information. This allows those willing to bemonitored the choice to send the information to their insurerand get a discount or NOT send it to pay normal rates. It'sworth considering.

I'm among those who continues to use supermarket loyaltycards, even though I despise the fact that they can see mypurchase history and note my travel habits. The savings arejust too great to pass up. (I used a false name to set thecard up, but quickly noted that they tied together my debitcard name and loyalty card purchases, thus gaining thatinformation that I had denied them with the false name - now Iuse cash.) You certainly can't do the same with the insurancedriving discounts. Information must be accurate to properlyinsure and discount the policy.

The UK program is more invasive and offers far less choice.Drivers must always download the information from the carmodule to gain insurance discounts and the British companymonitors more information from those UK drivers.

The US version may have some merit if choice remains a part ofthe equation upon full rollout to American drivers who wantthat ten percent discount on auto insurance policies inexchange for giving up the privacy of their driving habits.

The disturbing part of this, again, as always, is the possiblemerging of multiple databases to form near perfectsurveillance pictures of us with each new development. Oursupermarket discounts show that big database what we eat,what else we buy at the grocery, the insurance informationdefines our travels and schedule, our credit and debit carduse defines our spending, travel and lifestyles, whilemultiple other databases from airline security info to phonerecords can be merged at any time to form near perfectpictures of our lives for anyone that wants to access it.

Once a national ID (driver licenses will soon carry mandatorymagnetic information and will serve as a defacto national ID),we can be fully monitored, tracked, analyzed and digitized toform a truly invasive database of numbers and bits ofinformation about each of us.

The sources of data about each of us are growing daily. Theconcern is the loss or abuse of that data through commercialand/or governmental negligence and/or criminal intent. Themethods to access that data are growing as the sourcesproliferate.

Privacy is something we give up in small bits for smallbenefits, like cheaper produce using supermarket loyalty cardsand insurance discounts using car monitors hooked up to ourinsurance carrier. We need laws to control and safegaurd eachof those databases and stop any merging of those multiplesources of data into the ultimate Big Brother database.

I want my car insurance reduced and I'm willing to considerthis newest scheme if I have choice of whether to send my infoto my insurer. I will send it when I've been good and won'twhen I have been less good. But I don't want it merged with myother sources of data or shared among commercial interests whomay see fit to sell it to each other.

It gets more interesting daily. Who is in control of thisprivacy devouring data monster?

Mike Banks Valentine blogs on privacy issues at:http://PrivacyNotes.com/privacyblog/ You can subscribeto the RSS feed by entering My Yahoo or My MSN at:http://privacynotes.com/privacyblog/atom.xmlWeb Content Resource From http://Publish101.com

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Credit Card Condoms Reduce Your Credit Card Debt

While there are a number of issues that need to be addressed
when tackling credit card debt, the habit of using the credit
card when you really shouldn't is a huge contributing factor for
most people.

The most difficult part of changing this habit is recognizing it
in the first place. The fact that it's a habit means that you
probably use the credit card to purchase things without even
giving it a second thought. So the challenge becomes learning
how to make yourself realize when you are about to use your
credit card in a way which is detrimental to your finances.

There are a couple of parts to this process. The first is
recognizing that your current credit card habits need to change.
Recognizing them and setting up a plan of what can and what
shouldn't be placed on your credit card is the first step. This
first step, by itself, however, is usually not enough. You must
also put into place a system that will help you take notice so
you don't fall back into your past habit before you realize it.

A simple way to remind yourself and help break the habit is to
place your credit or debit card into a credit card condom
(referred to as such because they help protect you from
unwanted consequences when used properly). Basically it's simply
a paper sleeve that you slip around your credit or debit card
that has some type of warning on the outside so that you have to
think twice before using it. While this may sound so simple that
it seems almost silly, it's often the exact motivation a person
needs if they are serious about decreasing their credit card
debt (if you aren't serious, then credit card condoms - or any
other tactic - isn't going to work).

While there are a number of sites that sell these sleeves for
about $5, you can also
print you own credit card condom for free and give it a try.
If you use your credit card more than you should and are serious
about trying to get your spending back under control, a credit
card condom may be exactly what you've been looking for to help
curb your spending. Sometimes it's little reminders that end up
being the most effective tool to help you establish your self
discipline when trying to get yourself out of debt.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Best Refinance Mortgage Rate Improve Your Odds of Getting a Low Rate

Obtaining a mortgage refinancing has several benefits. However, the only way to realize these benefits is to qualify for a low rate mortgage. Even though refinancing a home is ideal for securing a fixed rate mortgage, without acquiring a lower rate, you may not save on your monthly mortgage payment. If you are hoping to obtain a low rate mortgage, there are steps you should take.

Establish a Good Payment Record with Existing Mortgage Lender

When applying for a refinancing, the mortgage lender will carefully review your credit and assess your payment history with current mortgage lender. Individuals with a good payment record can expect a low rate on their refi - especially if their credit score is high. On the other hand, if you have poor credit, and have submitted several late mortgage payments, a refinance lender may consider you a risky applicant.

Risky applicants may have their refinance application denied. If the application is approved, the lender will likely remit an offer with a high interest rate. In this instance, refinancing is not very beneficial. The ultimate goal is to save money. However, if the savings are minimal, it is not worth the costs to refinance.

If you are contemplating a refinancing, attempt to submit all mortgage payments on time. Furthermore, reduce unnecessary debts, which may boost your credit rating. Homeowners with a good credit score have a better chance of securing a low rate refi.

Compare Various Refinance Mortgage Lenders

Making a side-by-side comparison of various mortgage lenders is very effective. After requesting a mortgage quote, lenders assess an applicant\'s situation and make them an offer. Lender offers will vary. By comparing lenders, you have the power to select the loan package with the lowest refi rate. Those who neglect comparing lenders risk accepting a bad refinancing offer.

Refinance When the Time is Right

Because of declining mortgage rates, many homeowners are jumping on the refinance bandwagon. However, now may not be the right time to create a new mortgage. Prior to applying for a new mortgage, you should consider a few factors. How long do you plan on living in the home? Will a refinancing create a noticeable savings? What is your credit standing? Do you have the funds to pay closing costs?

Refinancing while rates are low is great for obtaining a low, fixed rate mortgage or lowering monthly payments. However, if your current rate is comparably low, or you anticipate a move in the near future, refinancing may not be the wisest choice.

View our Recommended Refinance Lenders Online.

Carrie Reeder owns ABC Loan Guide, an online resource with information about Mortgage Brokers Online and Bad Credit Mortgage lenders online.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Insurance for Car Wash Fundraisers

Non-profit groups in this day and age need to watch out for lawsuits, as it is an unfortunate reality. Having a good event insurance policy can protect your non-profits funds from such a lawsuit in the event of a mishap or professional slip and fall con artist. Yes they are out there and they will target your group if they think that they can make some money in a lawsuit. It is sad state of affairs even thinking of this, but you need to protect yourself and your group.


Usually a gas station has an umbrella insurance policy to cover just about anything even a special event, but not always. Sometimes they may have such a policy but be unsure of the exact coverage and therefore require you to get insurance for your event anyway. This gives them piece of mind knowing they are covered.

School districts have this type of insurance for all student activities already. You will usually see these types of events at the local high school through out the sunny seasons.

If you are at a commercial shopping center, you will most likely need general liability insurance for your event. 'Event Insurance' will probably run $50.00 to $75.00 but could be as high as $150.00 if additional insurance certificates are requested. Most shopping center property managers will want to re-assign the risk of liability. They will need a letter from the group, a diagram of the layout and washing area and insurance.

If you can provide these items, they will probably let you have your car wash fundraiser on their property. It's good public relations for the center and their tenants. They may also be concerned with the soaps you are using on their lot because resurfacing is expensive.

What kind of insurance should you ask for? Ask for 'event insurance' for a car wash fundraiser. The insurance agent/broker will ask you basic questions such as:

The date of the event

Hours of the event

Location of the event

How much money you anticipate making the day of the event

Will you be moving the cars?

How many certificates of insurance will you need?

Do you need additional insured certificates?

Some of these questions will be easy to answer such as who, what, when, where and how. You may not have thought about moving vehicles. Your answer should be yes even if you don't move any cars. If a person gets out of there car and leaves the key in the ignition and walks over to buy a soda or hot dog from your fundraiser, then theoretically you are in control of that vehicle. Legally speaking that vehicle is in your care, custody and control and this may require what is called a 'garage keeper's liability endorsement'. How much money do you expect to earn the day of the event?

This may seem like your group's business only, but some policies, even event policies, could be based upon gross sales. How many certificates do you need? You may not know this either. Obviously you need one for the property owner. After all, the only reason that you are talking to the insurance agent/broker is because they asked for one. You may want to think about this for a second.

As long as you are buying insurance, what about insurance for your group? You may as well get a certificate for them too. Do you belong to a national group? Maybe they are self-insured or already have insurance for such an event. This might save you some money provided that their limits of liability are in line with the requirements that the property owner has requested. Remember that the limits of liability required of your event are usually negotiable.

Gas station owners may settle for $100,000 single limit liability and $300,000 aggregate. If not, have your agent/broker do the work. They can reassure the property owners that the insurance carrier they will be going through is an A+ rated carrier and that they will be fully covered in the rare event of an accident. After doing one hundred plus car wash fundraisers without an accident, I'm confident recommending the $100,000/$30,000 limits. If the property owner will accept this, it's a good coverage number. However, if they want a million dollars of liability insurance you may have to get that instead. Of course it will cost more.

What are the additionally insured certificates? This is a certificate of insurance, a proof of insurance indicating that the property owner is insured by the insurance carrier also. This might be important because if someone is passing by and slips on the water and wishes to collect on a slip and fall injury claim, their attorney would rather go after the rich property owners rather than your non-profit group that has very little money.

If your group had hundreds of thousands of dollars you probably wouldn't be doing a car wash fundraiser in the first place. Since attorneys normally get thirty percent of the cash settlement in personal injury litigation cases, they try to go after the big money. If you are part of a national organization such as the Boy Scouts of America or the American Cancer Society then that part of your organization will also be a target, The attorney may not have a problem going after a non-profit. Because property owners and national organizations are frequent targets of slip and fall suits, it stands to reason that they might be a little paranoid.

If they are a little hesitant you must realize that it's not your fault. There are just too many lawyers. Property managers are hired by property owners to manage the affairs of their real estate investments. They handle such jobs as fielding tenant complaints, collecting rent and lease monies, maintaining the property and the landscaping and shielding property owners from unnecessary liability. So when talking to property owners assure them that you won't block traffic, won't take any more than the necessary amount of parking spaces or cause them to have any complaints from the tenants. As a matter of fact, you will probably increase traffic and your fundraiser will help business for the center's merchants. Let them know that you won't trample the landscaping. They may want a one-page letter stating all of this. Think on the insurance aspects for your upcoming fundraiser events.

Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

9 Simple Steps On How To File Bankruptcy

A bankruptcy is the last option any businessman wants to take.
They can cause a big dent on their credit rating and deeply ruin
their reputation. But sometimes filing for bankruptcy is the
only solution to get a person out of dire straits. Here are the
nine steps to be followed in filing a bankruptcy:

1. See to it that there is no other solution that you can do to
avoid filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy allows for a fresh
start. Under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer
Protection Act (BAPCPA), which significantly amended the U.S.
Bankruptcy Code effective October 17, 2005, prior to filing a
bankruptcy case, an individual must obtain some consumer credit
counselling from an entity approved by the U.S. Trustee within
180 days of the date of the filing of a bankruptcy case. Such
counselling is intended to provide an individual with
alternatives in filing a bankruptcy case.

2. Consider the two common bankruptcy types. The most popular is
the chapter 7 (which is a straight or liquidation bankruptcy),
and there is also the chapter 13 (which is a repayment plan for
individuals). BAPCPA has made chapter 7 to be more difficult to
file, because of the means test. Many individuals will be forced
to file a chapter 13 case because of this test.

3. Research your options as it relates to filing. Some people
choose to file without the aid of a lawyer. But it's highly
recommended to hire a lawyer. Your research should help you
decide on a lawyer. In most cases, people who choose large firms
to represent them will work with a paralegal and not the lawyer.
Try to find a firm in which you have direct contact with your

4. Meet with the lawyer you've selected and go over your case.
Your lawyer should be asking and answering all of your
questions. They will determine which chapter is best for you,
based on your financial affairs. A lawyer will also assist you
with completing the BAPCPA's means test.

5. Find out how much it will cost. The fees for filing are
varied. Some lawyers will charge a flat fee, while others will
charge based upon the amount of debt that you have. Some lawyers
will require that you pay up front before they file. Refer all
creditors to your lawyer's office, once he or she has been

6. Wait for a meeting of creditors. Once your lawyer has
submitted your petition, you will be notified by mail with your
date for a meeting of creditors (or a 341 meeting, named after
the section of the Bankruptcy Code requiring it). This will
allow the trustee to ensure that you have given truthful answers
on your bankruptcy petition, and that you understood and agreed
to filing for bankruptcy.

Your lawyer should have met with you prior to this meeting to go
over all of your debt to ensure that it is all listed. You must
also list all of your assets. He or she will also go over sample
questions that will be asked at the meeting. Prior to the
meeting, you should have reviewed your file with your lawyer.
Once you are sworn in at the meeting, you will answer questions
that are recorded.

7. In filing a bankruptcy case, do not use your credit cards. If
you do so with the intent to file, a creditor can challenge the
discharge of the debt owed or even your right to discharge any
debt. If you obtained the debt knowing that you could not repay
it, you may not be able to discharge that debt if the creditor
challenges it through a lawsuit, or adversary proceeding, in
your bankruptcy case.

8. In a chapter 7 case, the trustee will determine whether or
not there are assets that can be liquidated and used to repay
your creditors. If the trustee determines that all your assets
are exempt, a report of no distribution will be filed with the
bankruptcy court. If the trustee determines that there are
non-exempt assets, they will be sold and payments may be made to
your creditors. In a chapter 7 case, you may never have to pay a
creditor back. In a chapter 13, you will be required to enter
into a 3 to 5 year plan, in which you will pay creditors as much
as you can over time, taking into consideration the BAPCPA means

9. The 60th day after your meeting of creditors is first set and
is the deadline for creditors to file lawsuits to challenge the
discharge of a particular debt or your entire discharge.

If no such lawsuits are filed, shortly after that 60th day you
will receive notification of a discharge of debt if you filed
chapter 7. A discharges means that you have no further
obligation to repay the discharged debt, the existence of that
discharged debt may still appear in your credit reports though,
and that your creditors can never collect the debt from you.

If you filed a chapter 13 case, you will receive the notice of
discharge approximately 30 to 60 days after your final payment
has been made and the trustee ensures your payment plan has been
followed and completed.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Mortgage?

The typical time frame is about a month. It can be shorter, and sometimes take much longer.

There are two basic ways to get a mortgage:

full documentation
stated documentation

In the full documentation you prove to the lender your:

work history, job verification

In the stated documentation, all of these are stated and not proven. The advantage to the second option is a lot less paperwork, at the cost of a higher interest rate. Some people can\'t document steady income (such as commissioned salespeople) or just don\'t want to give this information out. There are also hybrids between these two options, where you can state your income but prove your assets through banks statements, etc.

If you go the full documentation route, make sure to organize your paperwork. Typically this can involve:

2 years of W2s
a month of pay stubs (for biweekly checks make sure you cover all 30 days!)
3 months of banks statements

For self-employed borrowers this can include:

Business bank statements
Company tax return
CPA letter certifying that you filed as a self-employed person

Before the process starts, it is a good idea to check your credit. There may be issues here that need to be fixed. If this is the case, fix them if you can. This time is separate from the one month general estimate for closing a mortgage. Generally speaking, the lower your credit the higher your interest rate and higher your monthly payment.

You can shop around at various places, and should get a written estimate (called a Good Faith Estimate) within 3 days. You should get quotes about the same loan type so that you can compare rates and fees. Getting a quote from one lender about a 30 year fixed is not something you should compare with a quote for a 5 year interest only loan, unless you want general numbers.

There are two basic transaction types: refinances and purchases. Refinances are more straightforward because it is basically just you and the lender. In a purchase it is you, the lender, and a borrower or seller, real estate brokers, etc. This can make the purchase transactions more complicated if people continue to change the price/terms during the process.

Once you choose a lender and they approve you, they may have additional requirements. This can include letters of explanation about credit issues, statement explaining why the residence you are claiming is unusually far from the job you are claiming, etc.

When all of these conditions are met, your loan \goes to docs\ and are available for signing. Once you sign these, for a primary residence refinance there is typically a \three day right of rescission\. This gives you three days to change your mind after you have signed on the dotted line. If this is cash out refinance, you typically get your cash a week after you sign.

Types of problems that you may hit include:

switching jobs in the middle of the loan process (it happens!)

job verification issues (wrong job title given)

not enough assets to document

your credit changes in the middle of the process because you make a late payment on something critical, such as a mortgage, and the lender finds out

your rate lock may expire

Buyers and sellers in a purchase may incorrectly modify their contracts so the language is unclear to the lender (I have seen a loan held up because it was unclear as to what the value of the curtains were that would be left behind!)

Signer issues

- sometimes a selling property has multiple sellers and they are difficult to reach to sign or update contracts and paperwork. Sometimes this is because one of the sellers is not very enthusiastic about selling and is just dragging the process out

Issues with the appraisal value - the property value is not high enough to support the contract value without additional explanation, new comparable properties, etc.

Title issues - there are unresolved issues about title

Sometimes the process can take less than 10 days if all the stars are aligned. It requires tight coordination between you and the lender.

Always make sure you are available to answer questions and address problems as soon as they arise. The hassle of doing a full documentation loan is usually worth it in terms of lower fees and rates.

This article is from the http://www.archerpacific.com Loan Library.

Our website has free mortgage calculators, quick tips, mortgages rates, and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=BenAfzal

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Need Money? How To Borrow Money

Whether you need money for bill consolidation, a new car or a vacation to Hawaii, there are many convenient providers that will tailor a loan with terms and payments appropriate for you. Here are some tips on \How To Borrow Money\

Borrow Money Face-to-Face

Start with your own large financial services providers, set up a Face-to-Face meeting to discuss borrowing money. Shop around, you should meet with at least three loan providers to discuss loan terms and guarantees. Choose a lender that understands your needs and offers the right solution to balance your budget.

Borrow Money for Genuine Needs

Sure you can borrow money to gamble in Las Vegas, but is that a wise move for you and your family? Some genuine needs for borrowing money include bill consolidation, college or school tuition, extra cash for weddings, home repairs, personal loan for an emergency, refinance your house and that once in a lifetime vacation.

Magic Potion - Save Money Each Month

There\'s no \magic potion\ for saving money and paying off your debts. When you refinance or take a loan to consolidate your debts, draw up a monthly plan to pay off your credit cards, car repairs, home improvements and save money each month. After three months on a budget, you will be used to it and this will solve you long term financial problems.

Loans & Lenders - Apply Online for Loans

Why waste another day? Apply today for the money you need from a quality lender. Just list your assets and reason for the loan - home improvement, car, second mortgage, etc. You may borrow money through a home equity loan or personal loan tailor made for your needs. The lender may issue your loan within a few days.

One Payment Loan Consolidation

You must be tired of paying all those bills with no end in sight Make a resolution today to pay off your current bills, reduce payments and balance your budget. Instead of paying lots of bills each month, a leading lender like CitiFinancial may offer you a lower, more affordable monthly payment. For more info on bill consolidation and personal loans, contact a respected lender like CitiFinancial today. You owe it to yourself.

Johnny Mayer is a content writer for Compucall-USA Web Marketing, LTD.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Stock Market Investment Software: A Helpful Trading Tool

When man invented the computer, it became an invaluable tool to
many people who has learned to use it and has become a part of
their everyday lives. Many people turn to various types of
computer software to suit their needs, and most of these
softwares are tailored to the clientele it hopes to accommodate.

Nowadays, many people can access their bank accounts online.
>From this single account, they can enroll other accounts which
may include bills for credit cards, utilities such as
electricity and water, and even schedule payments for their
insurance premium. These advances in the financial world have
helped facilitate better, safer, easier transactions which
always benefit consumers.

Similarly, when stock market investments shifted from person to
person trading to today's more sophisticated process of online
stock trading, companies began putting up websites to encourage
their clients to do most transactions online. This is usually
done using stock market investment software.

An investor may subscribe for free or pay a certain amount for
an account through his trading company's website. As he does
this, he is required to download and install the stock market
investment software that the company is using. This is mostly
done so that the subscriber and the trading company use the same
investment software.

There is a number of stock market investment software available
in the software industry today. They can go from the simple to
the highly sophisticated one. Most of these application
softwares offer the same basic features of a graphical user
interface (or GUI) to help a user perform one or more specific
tasks. There are types of these stock market investment
softwares that are intended for large scale use and there are
types which cater for more personalized usage, as in the case of
users installing and using personal financial managers in their
personal computers and digital assistants.

Investors mostly use the software of their choice to manage
their accounts, and check the value of their stocks. This is
very helpful to online investors as the software's GUI
facilitates the tasks that they want to perform.

Stock market investment softwares are purchased separately by
the trading companies that use them to transact with their
clients. They usually have agreements with the company that
developed the software so they could avail of their product at a
lower price. Some companies hire stock market investment
software developers to design their software so that it is
easier to tailor it to their particular needs.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hope Ranch Real Estate Through Time

The first mention of Hope Ranch was in 1769 when Portola wrote about it in his diary. He was greeted by the Canalino Indians which were somewhere between where Modoc and US Highway 101 currently run. The Canalinos had been there almost 10,000 years at the time and we\'re probably pretty surprised to see Portola.

The first time somebody actually owned Hope Ranch was in 1843 when Lt. Narciso Fabregat of the Santa Barbara Presidio was given the deed to the ranch. The grant was known as the \La Calera\ (The Line Kiln) and was used by the Mission fathers to make mortar for building the Mission. The kiln was located on what is now Las Palmas, the main entrance of Hope Ranch

The first Sale of Hope Ranch Real Estate occurred in 1861 when Thomas Hope purchased it from Mrs. Robbins (not Robinson) for the princely sum of $8,000. The area reminded Mr. Hope of his native Ireland and the first thing he did was drive a flock of some 2,000 sheep across his new possession into Santa Barbara. The sheep went forth and multiplied up to about 5,000 and provided the wool needed for soldier\'s uniforms during the Civil War. This made Mr. Hope a very wealthy man.

Because of his prosperity in selling wool Mr. Hope decided to build himself a very spiffy home. Peter J. Barber designed what was called \The Mansion.\ This home located on Nogal Dr across from the Vieja Valley School cost $10,000 and was completed in 1875. Today it\'s a County Landmark listed in the National Register of Historical Places

In 1873 Thomas Hope gave the county a very cool 120 foot wide strip of land to be used for a road. This strip which became Hollister Avenue went all the way up to the current Turnpike Rd.

In 1887 after her husband\'s death Mrs. Hope sold the western half of \Las Positas y La Calero\ as Hope Ranch was called in those days to the Pacific Improvement Company. The company had some illustrious members including Mark Hopkins, Charles Crocker, Collis Huntington and Leland Stanford. The sale was for $250,000 which was pretty good for a $10,000 investment. But Hope Ranch Real Estate has usually been a good investment.

The Pacific Improvement Company didn\'t improve much, but there was the Potter Country Club, on the site of current La Cumbre Country Club which got laid out and lots were offered for sale. Unfortunately sales weren\'t too brisk. But in 1923 along came Harold Chase who purchased the easterly 825 acres of the Ranch and started Santa Barbara Estates, Inc., and we were off to the races.

Mr. Chase organized a second syndicate called La Cumbre Estates, which purchased the 1200 acres of Las Palmas and Robles Drives which united Hope Ranch under one control. The installation of roads, utilities and bridle paths soon followed along with an increase in the water supply.

The first homes in Hope Ranch were constructed for the directors of the La Cumbre Estates Corporation. Mr. Chase\'s home was called \Las Terrases\ and was completed in 1925. Then Peter Cooper Bryce built \Florestal\ as well as the Wilson and Dickenson homes. Falling under the category of, \I shoulda\' bought then,\ home sites originally went from $100 to $2,500 per acre. And to purchase these sites the terms were One-quarter (25%) cash at time of purchase, with the balance to be paid within three years at 6% per annum of deferred payments.\ (Still not too bad an interest rate) Currently there are 686 residences and there are about 18 vacant lots still available for development.

The highest priced sale for 2005 has been $7.75 million and the least expensive sales this year was $1,875,000. Some of the properties currently available are:

4Bedroom 2.5 Bath home for $2,495,000
4 Bedroom 5 Bath property for $2.975 million
3 Bedroom 4 Bath home for $4.195 million
5 Bedroom 5.5 Bath property for $8.795 million
And the highest priced listing currently on the market is 5 Bedroom 5 Bath home for $21.5 million

Well that\'s about it for now for Hope Ranch Real Estate

Gary Woods is a Real Estate Broker in Santa Barbara CA and is the trainer for the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors. He can be heard on radio 1290 AM Mondays from 9-10AM

Saturday, December 20, 2008

When To Start Seeking A Mortgage For A New Purchase

You have made the decision to buy a home and start looking at properties. Before you get rolling, you should start trying to find the best mortgage option for your situation.

Most people begin shopping for a mortgage at the last minute and settle for the first offer they get. This is an absolutely terrible thing to do. A house is one of the most important things you will ever be able to own and getting a mortgage on that house, or, more correctly, getting the best mortgage possible on that house is only too important. The only way you will be able to find that perfect mortgage is to shop around.

Obviously, this means that you should begin looking as soon as possible. Don\'t wait until the last minute to search for mortgage options, rather leave yourself as much time as possible to go through as many lenders as you can and see what each has to offer. Every lender is different and will provide different plans with different rates and different things tied to those mortgage plans. You need time to go through all of these different offers and sort out the good from the bad. If you don\'t have perfect credit, use a mortgage broker to find the best deal. This is all they do, so they can give you a huge head start.

If you wait until the last minute to find a mortgage you will be forced to settle on one early and can end up costing yourself tens of thousands of dollars in the long run. One percentage point of interest might seem like a small amount, but when that one percentage point is used on a mortgage of hundreds of thousands of dollars based over 20 to 30 years, that one percentage point can end up equaling tens of thousands of dollars! That money is all interest that is being paid to the lender. You have better uses for your money, don\'t allow a lender to take more from you than he has to. Shop around and find the lowest interest rate and best mortgage plan possible.

It is advised to begin shopping for a mortgage as soon as you decide that you might be interested in purchasing a home. You don\'t have to get too serious, but check out the major banks and lenders that you know of to start with. Lay some groundwork and get some feedback. Start making some goals of how much you will need and what sort of interest rate you want. It is highly advisable to get pre-approved for a loan if at all possible. Keep these things in mind and shop around to find the best plan possible.

Sergio Haros is with Great Western Mortgage - San Diego mortage services.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=SergioHaros

Friday, December 19, 2008

Real Estate Note Owners Biggest First Mistake

The single most common mistake that a note holder makes when creating a note is that they fail to check their buyer's Credit Report. It seems so simple, but it is worth repeating Most people fail to check the credit report of their prospective buyers!! Can you believe this? Just by doing this one simple step can save you a bunch of money now and in the future.

How so? First and foremost by checking your potential buyers credit score can help resolve your worries of your buyer's ability to repay their future debt to you. Heck, I don't know of any bank that would not check the credit score of any one of their customers seeking a mortgage. So why shouldn't you?

The second benefit of checking your buyer's credit score is what if you should ever decide to ever sell your real estate note, trust deed, or owner financed mortgage for all cash? By knowing your buyers credit score would not only benefit you now, but it would also make your real estate note more valuable in the future.

Here's why. The first thing a promissory note buyer/investor is going to require to sell your note is your payer's credit score! Your buyer's credit score is paramount to how much money you will ultimately receive for your real estate note. Of course the higher the credit score the less risky it is to a perspective promissory note buyer, thus making your note more valuable to them and ultimately you.

So, just what is an acceptable credit score concerning a real estate note? That is entirely up to you, but if it was my note I would not accept a score of less than a 550. The credit score counts for 40 percent of a total of 100 percent in rating your real estate notes value. So whether you are creating or selling your real estate note it pays to get your buyers credit score in more ways than one.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mortgage Loans: an Easy Option for UK Home Buyers

Mortgage is basically a loan which is used to purchase a home, where the property is used to guarantee repayment of the loan. In other words, mortgage is a method of using property as collateral for the repayment of debts. Most lenders offer a range of different mortgage that depends on interest rates. Some of them are:

  • Fixed rate mortgage
  • Discounted mortgage
  • Adverse mortgage
  • Capped mortgage
  • Variable rate mortgage
  • Buy to let mortgage
  • Offset
  • Self certification mortgage
  • Tracker

    There are over 250 lenders with more than 4000 different mortgage deals and most of the deals are highly compatible and genuine. Mortgaging is fantastic deal for lenders as they always have collateral to look up to. If the borrower is unable to repay monthly interest that has been agreed upon, lender have all the legal rights to repossess his property that is been put up as security.

    There are no restrictions about having number of Mortgages. Most borrowers look for different mortgage package that is being provided by the lenders. If they find some attractions in terms of interest rate, they prefer changing it.

    Most of the lenders charge an arrangement fees to set up a mortgage. Some lenders don\'t reveal their charges. It is actually the hidden costs which make their offer more fascinating. But one must be careful and examine thoroughly before entering into a deal.

    At this juncture, it is good to have an overview of a flexible mortgage. A flexible mortgage should allow a borrower to overpay, underpay, take payment holidays and carry no redemption penalties. In many countries including UK, home purchases are funded by range of mortgages that are readily available in the market. So, explore various options that are at your disposal and then decide for mortgage that you find excellent.

    About The Author: The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Top-Mortgage-Loans as a finance specialist.

    For more information please visit: Mortgage loans

  • Wednesday, December 17, 2008

    Debt Problems How To Manage Yourself Out Of Debt

    Are you having trouble paying your monthly bills? Or worried about losing your home and car because you have problems paying for your monthly installment?

    Well, you are not alone. Many people face a financial crisis in some part of their lives. Whether the crisis is self created (over spending) or by accident (family illness, or loss of a job), it can be prevail over. Your financial health can only improve if you put your heart and soul into nursing it.

    The first step to manage yourself get out of debts is to develop a budget plan. Take some time to think over and do a realistic assessment of how much you earn and spend each month.

    List your expenses into fixed and variable and identify which are \'needs\' spending that you cannot live without (for example food and house mortgage), and \'wants\' spending that you can survive without spending.

    Get a good idea of how much you need to spend on your fixed and \'needs\' spending and always leave enough money for them. The goal is to make sure you can make ends meet on your basics needs: housing, food, health care, insurance, and education. And reduce your \'wants\' expenses as far as possible.

    If you have creditors, contact them immediately to tell them frankly that you are in financial difficulties. Ask them to work out a payment plan that you can manage so that you can still pay them. You\'ll be surprise that most of your creditors are wiling to negotiate and work out a better repayment plan for you.

    Manage your secured debts especially your auto loan. Lenders have the right to repossess your car if you default on your payment. Instead of waiting for your car to be repossessed and paying extra fees. Talk to your lender and ask if you can sell or trade in your car for a cheaper one. Alternately, ask for grace period so that you can save on the added costs of repossession and a negative entry on your credit report.

    Your public library and bookshops should have more information about budgeting and money management skills. Do not hesitate to consult them for more advice if needed. Start a budgeting plan to nurse yourself back to a good financial health today!

    Moses Wright is the webmaster of Bulletpedia.com. He provides more helpful information on debt and bill consolidation tips, personal finance credit help and personal finance loan help that you can research in the comfort of your home on his website. You are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Recover Your Credit History With Bad Credit Secured Loans

    Good news for all who have bad credit history. Now bad credit secured loans are providing a lucrative opportunity to improve their credit history.

    Usually people, like CCJ\'s, IVA\'s, Defaults, Arrears, people who have previously filed for bankruptcy and late payment have bad credit score. Normally your credit score is the estimate of your fiscal credit value. Credit score or FICO is ranged from 300 to 850. If your credit score is 580 or below, then it will be judged as bad credit score. And in that case you can easily opt for a bad credit secured loans.

    Like other secured loans, you can avail low credit secured loan against any collateral. The lender will keep this collateral with him unless you don\'t repay the amount. But, choosing good collateral is very important, especially when your borrowed amount is high. So, if you use worthwhile collateral then it won\'t be tough for you to get the amount. Even, your lenders may charge a comparatively low rate of interest against valuable collateral.

    However, with these loans, you will get a chance to recover your credit history and stop them from getting negative impact on credit report. The new loan will begin to make positive reports so long as you make your payments on time and keep it up to date. It is a common belief that bad credit secured loans is not escapable from penalty and fees. But it is not true. A bit research will help you to get perfect loans that will be suitable for you.

    At the same time, don\'t forget that you will have to pay a relatively high rate of interest on bad credit secured loans. So, take time before applying for the loan. Check your ability whether you can pay-off the loan amount or not. You are using your property against bad credit secured loans. Hence, in case you fail to return the loan amount, then you can lose your ownership on your property. Thus, don\'t be in a hurry, think several times before applying for a secured loan.

    Some efforts are necessitated to get the best deal. Your choice for lenders should not be limited. Meet different lenders, ask for their loan quotes, compare them and then apply for the suitable one. You can look forward to online bad credit secured loans. These loans are easily available and facilitated with least paper work. Even, online bad credit secured loans are served with a relatively low interest rate.

    Bad credit secured loans- a custom made facility for them who are trapped with bad credit scores. These loans are providing them an opportunity to get rid of their bad credit.

    Nowadays, these loans are easily available. But to get the best deal, one has to look for various options. And last but not the least; one should not use these loans as an extravagant, since these loans are used as a remunerative base for his/her financial crisis.

    Aldrich Chappel has been associated with get-secured-loans, since its inception. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the UK. To Find Secured loans, cheap secured loans UK visit http://www.get-secured-loans.co.uk

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    Debt Consolidation Promises Freedom from Debts

    Debt consolidation is a process whereby debtors can gain freedom from debts through an arrangement suggested by a loan provider, known as debt consolidation agency. Before allowing the debt consolidation agency to take larger credit for the freedom from debts, many borrowers will question the role they play in the process. Do borrowers actually play so minute a role in the process as depicted? Since it was his loan that was used to pay to creditors and his money being involved in the process how can borrower\'s role in the debt consolidation process be discounted thus?

    It is not that the debtor or the borrower does not play an important role. It is only that their role is supplementary. Had it not been for the debt consolidation agency, the debtor would have continued with the debts.

    Debt consolidation agency provides focus and direction to the attempts by the debtor to come out of debts. Experts from the lending agency study the case of the debtor and then suggest the recommended courses of action. The worst case of debts can be a vicious circle of debts. In a vicious circle of debts, borrowers are never able to come out of the entrapment of debts. Such debts require a revolutionary action, which can be offered only by a debt consolidation agency.

    Debt consolidation agency advances a loan to the borrower. Known as debt consolidation loan, this loan that will go towards the payment of debts, rather than individual\'s personal income. When personal income does not go towards payment of debts, borrower can continue making expenses to routine heads as earlier. This reduces chances of any future debts.

    Debt consolidation is an amalgam of several processes and sub processes. The debt consolidation agency will deploy a loan representative to assist the debtor with the several processes. Borrowers can question every move of the experts. They are free to exercise their discretion on important decisions.

    Firstly, borrowers are required to make a total of the several creditors to whom they owe. Categorizing them will make the task of analyzing debts convenient. Debts are to be categorized on the basis of high or low rate, types of debts, time when they are due, and any other basis as the borrower feels necessary.

    Having totaled the debts, the borrowers can get onto the task of creating a solution towards debts. Debt settlement is not as plain a task as most of us will feel. A vicious circle of debts as mentioned above requires revolutionary action. Similar is the case with the debts accrued through credit cards. The increase in debts through the high interest rate is a matter of concern. Dealing with the credit card debts in the same manner as a low interest debt will be incorrect. Since credit card debts carry a high rate of interest, they are dealt with on a priority basis. Similarly, the debt consolidation agency utilizes different techniques for different debts and situations.

    The debt consolidation agency will also help borrowers with the negotiation on debts. Don\'t you bargain with the creditor to lower the rate of interest or lower the amount repayable? The same is done by debt consolidation experts on the behalf of the borrower. The expert induces the creditor to bring down the repayable amount. His principal target is the unsecured creditors. By promising them a one-time payment, the expert is able to bring many of the creditors towards a common thinking.

    However, there are a few donts associated with debt consolidation loan. Never use debt consolidation loan as an excuse for incurring debts. If you have taken a debt consolidation loan, you must pay it in full. An unpaid debt consolidation loan is no better than a debt. This will again necessitate a debt consolidation loan. Lenders, who can clearly see that you are a habitual defaulter, would not lend. It is much easier thus to pay the debt consolidation loan. A small monthly payment is all you have to make towards the debt consolidation loan and you are free of all the ensuing problems.

    Scarlette started on a horse back and had a few falls herself. Therefore, she knows. Financial decisions are to be made after considerable thought and backed by good financial understanding. Her articles might introduce you to financial sense without any falls. She suffers from no injuries now. To find all types of loans for unemployed, Debt consolidation loans UK Residents Please visit http://www.loansforunemployed.co.uk.

    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    Buying Silver Bullion

    There are important factors for the wise investor to take into consideration before investing in silver bullion. The following questions should serve as a general guideline when investing in silver and other precious metals.

    I\'ve noticed that when I buy silver online I can take delivery or buy silver from a general pool. How does buying silver from a general pool work?

    An investor will give a company who controls a large stock, or pool of silver a sum of money for a number of ounces of the white metal. The company then tracks the amount of silver that the individual purchased and deducts the number of ounces from the total ounces of the pool. The investor does not, and generally cannot, take delivery of the purchased silver. The upside to this method of investing is that a large amount (i.e. thousands of ounces) does not need to be stored by the individual and is kept under constant security, possibly in an offshore location. The downside is the investor does not know if the company is selling more silver than it has and the investor does not physically possess his or her investment.

    How can I determine which method of silver purchase is right for me?

    First, determine the size of the forthcoming investment. If a limited quantity is desired (i.e. a few thousand ounces or less) then locate a secure means of storage - a safe deposit box will do fine. If the quantity to be invested in is more than the secure storage will store, or secure storage cannot be found (a wise investor will shy away from burying an investment in the backyard), then buying silver from a general silver pool may be the best option. A wise investor may choose to diversify his or her investment by taking delivery and owning from a general pool.

    There are several different forms of silver. What type is best to own?

    Silver bullion can be found in either bars or rounds. Typically silver bullion bars come in 1 oz, 10 oz, 100 oz, and 1,000 oz weights. Usually the 1,000 oz bars aren\'t exactly 1,000 oz - these bars are individually weighed and their actual weight is then stamped on the top and side.

    Generally, owning 1 oz round coins are more preferable to owning 1 oz bars because when trading silver for goods, rounds are more recognized as a coin and are easier to transport. Rounds will likely be sold in plastic tubes that hold a count of 20 and can be stored vertically or horizontally. 1 oz bars are frequently stored in plastic sheets that can be stacked on top of one another like sheets of paper.

    The wise investor keeps in mind that 1,000 oz bars must be redeemed in entirety, so when dealing with a few thousand ounces or less, a combination of 1, 10, and 100 oz bars are probably best. Only when storing a large amount of wealth should 1,000 oz bars be considered.

    How do I know that the round I am buying is 1 oz of pure silver?

    Silver rounds are 1 oz and are referred to as 1 oz silver rounds. Silver rounds will have the purity and content stamped on the front of the coin. Look for \.999 fine silver\ and \1 Troy ounce\. The weight will also be stamped in grams and will vary depending on the mint. A smaller mint may appeal to investors by increasing the coin content from 31.1 grams to 31.2 grams or higher. Content and purity should be stamped on all silver that is sold which includes bars and rounds.

    Should I purchase generic, semi-generic, well-known minted, or nationally minted rounds?

    It never hurts to own a little bit of each, but generally speaking the wise investor wants the most silver for the money. Generic bullion is the least expensive, but can also be the least recognizable when reselling to a private purchaser. Most coin dealers will purchase generic bullion without any questions being asked. A familiar semi-generic mint is A-mark, and two well-known mints are the Sunshine Mint and Northwest Territorial Mint. Nationally minted bullion coins (i.e. American Silver Eagle, Canadian Silver Maple Leaf, etc.) are more expensive to purchase and do not yield a higher rate of return upon resale. Another type of silver an investor can purchase is pre-1965 U.S. coin bags. These bags have a $1,000 face value and yield approximately 715 ounces of silver. Before circulation the same silver coins contained about 723 ounces but decreased due to wear and tear. It is up to each investor to assess individual needs and make silver purchases accordingly.

    How much can I expect to pay for the different types of bullion?

    Always be sure to call multiple dealers and suppliers (found online or in the yellow pages under Gold and Silver) to find the best price. Some wholesalers will only sell in bulk (i.e. 500 ounces) and will offer a discounted fee per ounce. Large purchases can be made from a particular mint and spot price can be secured over the phone. When buying several to a few hundred 1 oz rounds, a dealer will typically charge $0.50 over spot per ounce of generic silver bullion. Some deals can be found and anything over $0.50 is probably too much.

    When buying semi-generic, widely known, and nationally minted silver bullion the dealer will charge a higher fee as the recognition factor of the mint increases respectively. When deciding which is best to purchase, it is wise to consider future re-sale. It is always safe to own a little of each, but usually the type of mint pertains to private re-sale as most precious metals dealers will accept any minted silver without question.

    No permission is needed to reproduce an unedited copy of this article as long the About The Author tag is left in tact and hot links included.

    Zach Fross is an investment analyst for the Explosive Speculations Investment Newsletter; a publication geared towards researching the best possible investment opportunities. To find out more about Explosive Speculations and excellent investment opportunities, please visit http://www.ExplosiveSpeculations.com

    or email Zach@explosivespeculations.com

    Saturday, December 13, 2008

    Deciding Whether to Rent or Buy a Home

    Where you live is one of the most important decisions that
    you'll make. Choosing the right house or apartment is generally
    a mix of deciding on a location, distances from work or school,
    and how much it's going to cost you each month. When trying to
    make this decision, however, another important decision must
    also be made... you need to decide whether to rent your new
    home, or to take the next step and buy it.

    Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, some of
    which are presented below to assist you in making your own

    Advantages of renting

    One of the main advantages of renting a house or apartment is
    that the property belongs to someone else, meaning that all of
    the responsibility for keeping up the property and paying taxes
    on it also belongs to someone else. By law, landlords are
    required to maintain a certain standard with their property and
    must pay the expense of restoring the property to that standard
    should repairs need to be made.

    Generally, it's also much easier to move into or out of a rental
    home than one that you own... the most binding agreement that
    you and a landlord have is a lease, and many do not even require

    Disadvantages of renting

    Unfortunately for renters, they are forced to adapt to their
    landlord's schedule in regards to when rent payments must be
    made, when maintenance occurs, and to a certain extent even when
    required repairs will be made provided it is within a timeframe
    set by law.

    Another disadvantage of renting is that you generally continue
    to make rent payments of a certain amount for the entire time
    that you live in the rented residence, after which time you have
    nothing to show for the money paid.

    You also must abide by some of the landlord's rules, whether you
    agree with them or not... failing to do so can result in

    Advantages of owning

    Owning your own home has a number of advantages... you set your
    own rules in regards to pets, decoration, and landscaping
    (provided that none of your decisions are prohibited by law),
    you don't have to plan around a landlord's schedule of
    maintenance, and once the mortgage is paid off you have no
    further payments to make toward ownership of the home.

    If needed, you can also use the equity that you build up in your
    home (or the home itself) as collateral for loans later in life.

    Disadvantages of owning

    One of the main disadvantages of owning a home is that you are
    responsible for all taxes, fines, and repairs to your home. You
    also have to go through the mortgage loan process to borrow the
    money to buy the home, and when deciding to move you have to
    find a buyer for the home or at least a renter.

    If you decide to rent out your home later, then you are also
    responsible for maintaining the home for the renter and meeting
    all civic codes that deal with property management.

    Making your decision

    The best way to make the decision as to whether to rent or own
    is to stop and consider your current finances and goals. Figure
    in exactly how long you plan on living at the residence, as well
    as whether or not you'd be able to get a good interest rate on a
    mortgage loan if you decided to buy.

    Weigh your options carefully, taking the time to make the right
    decision for your current needs.

    You may freely reprint this article provided the following
    author's biography (including the live URL link) remains intact:

    Life Insurance Agent Sales Slump What's Happening to the Life Insurance Industry?

    In the life insurance business, there are highs and there are lows in activity. There are several factors that traditionally contribute to this ebb and flow, but lately there have been some anomalies that are affecting the life insurance sales industry. In this article, I will examine some reasons why insurance sales would be on the rise or why they are currently in a lull.

    Back a few months ago, when it was the beginning of summer, I expected a downturn in business as I always can anticipate in the summer season. Summers are slow as far as life insurance sales because people are either on vacation or they\'re just too darn hot to get out and meet with a salesman. What\'s more, the life insurance salesman too is on vacation. The agents usually go out and enjoy the nice weather and take the summer off to golf or maybe meet with prospects in a more relaxed atmosphere. Well, the summer is over (as far as the calendar is concerned), but the weather is still fine outside - at least in the South. At any rate, business is still running at a slow pace.

    Speaking for this particular month (September 2005), it very well may be that since consumer confidence is down to an all time low since 1990, hurricane Rita and Hurricane Katrina just ripped through, and the fact that gas is at an all time high, consumers are thinking less about the future (life insurance) and more about how to keep afloat right now.

    On a more global scale, perhaps life insurance sales are down because of the war in Iraq or the tension between the USA and other Countries.

    Also, could it be that the \me\ generation is getting its way? Are folks just not thinking about the welfare of their families as much?

    One thing that has impacted the service industry in a huge way is the \do not bother me\ mentality that we\'ve all adopted. The do not call list, do not fax list, and no soliciting signs are crushing an industry that once thrived and depended upon these methods of communication. The life insurance agent or broker faces a real challenge where this is concerned.

    So what can we do to boost sales? Can the companies help? My opinion is \yes\, the insurance companies CAN help to boost business. Just recently, Prudential has aired a consumer awareness commercial about the importance of life insurance where a boy asks his Father \Dad, do you have life insurance?\. I propose that we, as agents and general agents rally the insurance companies and get them to raise awareness and create desire to protect wealth, secure businesses well-being, and promote a better future.

    By: Ashley Brooks, CLTC

    Ashley is the marketing vice president for the Family Life Insurance Brokerage Business and has a background in Health & Financial Underwriting, Insurance Plan Design, and \best deal\ shopping. Brokerage Services carries only A rated (or better) companies in their product portfolio and has been serving the needs of Independent Insurance Agents since 1977.

    Get a free online term life insurance quote from Ashley Brooks here Term Life Insurance Quote

    General Life Insurance Quote Agent Online Here: Life Insurance Quote

    Friday, December 12, 2008

    A Brief Look At Various Types of Loans Available

    A Brief Look At Loans
    Innovative financial packaging is how it is sometime known. Essentially what this means is that financial institutions look for more and more ways to lend to their customers - after all, charging interest on a debt is the main way that they make their money. But, with more and more loans now available, it can sometimes be difficult to know exactly which loan to apply for. The following explanations try to clear this issue up a little for you:
    Personal Loan
    Probably the mainstay of financial institutions is the personal loan. As the name suggests, personal loans are money borrowed from a financial institution for personal use. In nearly all cases, a personal loan is going to be unsecured, which means you'll likely be paying a premium on interest. Once the personal loan is given, you repay it by making monthly repayments to the lender. In effect, this is the multi-purpose loan.
    Auto Loans
    Auto loans are where you borrow money from a financial institution in order to buy a car or vehicle. In most cases auto loans are done by the car dealer, but there is no reason why you cannot make arrangements with your bank before buying the car to borrow the money from them. As with a personal loan, most auto loans need to be repaid by monthly installments. Sometimes, although not always, the financial institution will secure your loan with the vehicle, which means if you cannot repay the loan they'll repossess your car. One additional expense with an auto loan is that most lenders insist that you take out fully comprehensive insurance during the period that the auto loan is outstanding.
    Home Improvement Loans
    As the name suggests, home improvement loans are where you ask a lender to lend you money so you can improve your home. In most cases a home improvement loan is granted on the condition that you give the lender a second rank mortgage on your home. As such, the loan amount can rarely exceed the valuation price of your home - including the increased value after the improvements have been made. Again, home improvement loans usually need to be paid by monthly installments; however, balloon (or bullet as they're also know), one-off, payments are also sometimes accepted.
    Education Loans
    Education loans are where you borrow money to further your studies. One big difference between an education loan and any other type of loan is that most education loans, although given by a financial institution, are underwritten by the government. Consequently, the interest rate on education loans (also known as student loans) is usually very low.
    Holiday Loans
    These days it is even possible to go to your bank and ask them to borrow money so that you can go away on holiday! As you'll be using the money to go on holiday, this type of loan is unsecured. Consequently, interest rates are high. Not really a recommended way of paying for your holiday, but nice to know it's out there if you need it!
    Debt Consolidation Loans
    Unfortunately debt consolidation loans are becoming more and more popular these days. A debt consolidation loan is where you have too much debt on store cards and credit cards and you need to borrow money to pay these all off and consolidate them into one big debt. The advantages of doing this are two-fold: (i) hopefully you'll lower the borrowing interest rate; and (ii) you only have to deal with one creditor.
    Having decided upon the type of loan you want, all you need to do now is to ask your financial institution to approve the loan - Good Luck!

    Sara Dowling is the owner of Be-Healthy.net and Hosting-Spot.com

    Thursday, December 11, 2008

    Why Choose a Home Equity Loan?

    There are many reasons for choosing a home equity loan. A home equity loan allows homeowners to obtain a loan in addition to their original loan using the equity in their home. Home equity loans are generally a second mortgage, and are used for personal use.

    Home equity loans are also known as equity release schemes. Home equity loans are aimed mainly at those homeowners that have paid their mortgages off. They can receive a cash lump sum or some income by unlocking that capital.

    People take out a home equity loan for a variety of reasons. Some people do it in order to finance home improvements, buy a new car, consolidate their debts or go on holiday. Others may want to receive a regular income source so that they can pay for residential care, or just the cost of care.

    Home equity loans have fixed rates with longer terms, over a fixed period of time. Home equity loans can be ideal for longer-term financial goals because you receive the amount of money you borrow in one lump sum. A home equity line of credit is similar to a credit card, where you may regularly use it up to your credit limit.

    One of the premium features of a home equity line of credit is that the interest rate is typically lower than that of a credit card.

    A Home Equity Loan will usually mean that you get better interest rates, but you should always remember that your house is at risk if you fail to repay the Home Equity Loan.

    The amount you can borrow with a Home Equity Loan depends on the amount of equity in your property. Equity is the market value of your property minus any outstanding mortgage or loans you have on it.

    People with poor credit ratings will find a Home Equity Loan more easily accessible to them because the lender is taking a lot less risk themselves. Home equity loans are also beneficial for people with a poor credit rating. A lot of traditional lenders categorise such people as high-risk. Home equity loans for such borrowers don't pose any risk as in case the borrower defaults on the repayments, the lender can sell the house to reclaim the money from the available equity.

    Here are some of the benefits of a home equity loan:

    A Home Equity Loan is an easy and manageable route to generating extra cash.

    Using Home Equity Loan for debt consolidation means that with one single payment each month, you have more control over your monthly budget.

    With a remortgage you have the same expenses you do when taking on a mortgage: surveys, valuation, mortgage indemnity and solicitors fees to pay. With Home Equity Loan you have none of this, making it easier to arrange. Repayment period on Home Equity Loan can be anything from 5 - 25 years.

    You can use Home Equity Loan for any purpose - for example, debt consolidation, home improvements, buying a car or going on holiday.

    Protected payment plans for Home Equity Loan can provide extra peace of mind.

    Always consider your options carefully, as your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or other loans secured on it.

    You may freely reprint this article provided the author's biography remains intact:

    About The Author
    John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help UK homeowners find the best available loans via the http://www.directonlineloans.co.uk website.

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008

    How The Gift Tax Works

    Each year millions of Americans give a gift to other individuals
    that they know. Gifts can be considered anything from a new
    vehicle, to a trip, to a piece of land. A gift tax is a tax that
    is imposed when an individual gives away a certain amount of
    gifts that are considered valuable.

    According the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), an individual who
    gives a gift or a combination of gifts to one person that is
    valued at over eleven thousand dollars must pay a gift tax. The
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not require that the
    individual who received the gift pays the gift tax. The only
    individual who is responsible for reporting and paying the gift
    tax is the person who gave the gift away. A gift is when
    something is given away at no cost. The Internal Revenue Service
    (IRS) defines a gift as something that is given away without
    receiving anything of similar value in return. Gifts that are
    recognized by the government include property and money.

    There are a number of exceptions to the gift tax imposed by the
    Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Gifts that are given to a spouse
    are not considered taxable. Another gift tax exclusion includes
    gifts that are used for education or medical expenses. This gift
    tax is often applied when a close family friend or family
    relative pays a portion of the college tuition expenses or
    medical expenses of someone they know. Gifts that are given to a
    charity are also not considered taxable. Individuals can donate
    their land, their vehicle, or money to an established charity
    and it will not be considered taxable. http://www.ta

    Individuals who give a taxable gift that exceed eleven thousand
    dollars are required to file a Form 709: United States Gift (and
    Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return). The Form 709 can be
    obtained by contacting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or by
    printing the form off of the Internet. It is also possible to
    obtain an online form by visiting the website of the Internal
    Revenue Service (IRS) at http://www.irs.gov. This form comes
    in a PDF format that allows individuals to enter in their
    information using the computer, and they can print off the
    completed forms to be mailed to the Internal Revenue Service

    In addition to the eleven thousand dollars a year gift tax
    restriction, individuals are also subject to a lifetime gift tax
    limit. That lifetime limit is one million dollars. Individuals
    who exceed one millions dollars in gifts in any number of years
    are required to start paying taxes on any more gifts that are
    given in the future. This means that even if an individual gives
    a gift that is less than eleven thousand dollars, the next year
    they are still required to pay a gift tax because they exceeded
    their lifetime gift tax allowance.

    Giving another individual or charity a gift of money or property
    is a great way to reduce the likelihood of having to pay an
    estate tax later on in life. In addition to offering a number of
    tax benefits, a gift also allows individuals to give back to
    their children, family, friends, or community.

    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    Build Your Own Profitable FOREX Trading System in Five Simple Steps

    If you want to make big profits, then you should know that the best way is do it for yourself - and not rely on others.

    Any trader (even a novice) can build a successful FOREX trading system - and this article shows you how to build a profitable system in five simple steps.

    What Makes a Successful FOREX Trading System?

    Successful trading systems have three main characteristics:

    1. They are Simple

    Forget complicated systems with lots of rules - it\'s a proven fact that simple systems work better - and are less likely to fail, in the brutal world of trading.

    2. They Run Profits and Cut Losses

    You need to have a longer term FOREX trading system that milks the big trends for profit, and cuts losses quickly.

    3. They Follow Long Term Trends

    There is no point in trading for small profits - i.e. day trading, as you will never cover your inevitable loses with small profits.

    Focus on long-term trends - it\'s these that yield the big profits, as they can last for years.

    Now let\'s get down to the five steps of building a FOREX Trading System:

    1. Your Method

    We have said to keep it simple, and this is exactly what you should do - just a few rules, and a robust money management system.

    2. Spotting Opportunities

    Look for the long-term weekly trends, and then move to daily charts to time entry. When we say long-term trends, we mean months, or years - NOT just a week or two.

    3. The Best Way to Trade Currencies is via a Breakout Method.

    Breakouts occur in all currency markets all the time - so base your system on a trend following breakout system.

    There isn\'t space here to describe exactly what a breakout system is, but we have articles on breakouts posted on our web site.

    It\'s a fact that most of the world\'s billionaire traders use breakout systems in their trading - and you should use a breakout system as well.

    4. Timing Entry

    The best way to time an entry is to watch for a break on the chart, confirmed by stochastics crossing with bullish or bearish divergence - this is a great timing tool.

    When you are in strongly trending markets, you can also use Bollinger bands, to time your entries - and take profits.

    The Bollinger band is a great filter indicator, and all traders should consider it.

    5. Money Management

    If you are following a breakout method, either the trade runs quickly in your favor - or the break is \false\ and quickly reverses.

    Don\'t put your stop just below the breakout point! - If the trade does not follow through within the day, exit the market, and use a monetary stop in the day session.

    A Simple F0REX Trading System for Profit

    With the above system, you will focus on the longer-term trends - and milk them for maximum profit.

    You will also not trade frequently, and you will liquidate losers quickly.

    We don\'t have space here to go through how to use the indicators, but with a bit of research and testing you will see why a FOREX trading system built on the above principles, will work, and will continue to work.

    The system will give you a lot more profit than the so called predictive, over hyped complicated systems, sold by vendors and guru\'s - these systems only work in back testing.

    Build yourself a FOREX trading system - and see for yourself, just how profitable they can be!

    New! A valuable FREE Currency Trader CD containing 9 critical trading reports, tips, strategies and currency trading info. Visit our web site now and grab your CD http://www.tradercurrencies.com

    Monday, December 8, 2008

    Advisory News Letters

    Several times each month I am solicited by various market touts who have a newsletter service, faxes or emails they are willing to send me to make me rich. That sure is nice of them.

    The first thing that pops into my head is if this system is so good why are they willing to share it for the lowly sum of $19.95 per month. Of course, some of them will move the decimal point to the right and increase that front number, but not to worry - it is sold with a money back guarantee!

    If you should desire to put your toe in the water here are some questions you might want to ask first:

    1.Are the figures shown actual trades or is this hypothetical? If it is hypothetical you can stop right there. Total BS.

    2.What is the minimum size account I need to take all your signals?

    3.Do you use stops?

    4.Is slippage and commission figured in?

    5.If all trades were made for the past year what was the starting amount and the amount in the account at the end of the year?

    6.What was the largest single loss?

    7.What was the largest continuous drawdown (loss)?

    8.How many winning trades? And average profit?

    9.How many losing trades? And average loss?

    10.Are you willing to tell me a few clients who are using your method with their permission, of course? (Get references.)

    It has been my experience that you will not receive an answer or you might get a form letter saying their method is proprietary information and cannot be given out. Hogwash. We know where you can put that letter.

    You might ask to see their model account. Surprisingly the Securities and Exchange Commission does not require these hucksters to maintain such an account. I\'d like to see such a regulation passed; there would be a lot less of these methods and systems sold as most of them would go broke.Before you send any money please make them prove with additional documentation exactly what they are selling.

    Al Thomas\' book, \If It Doesn\'t Go Up, Don\'t BuyIt!\ has helped thousands of people make moneyand keep their profits with his simple 2-stepmethod. Read the first chapter athttp://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he\'s the man that Wall Streetdoes not want you to know.

    Copyright 2005

    Sunday, December 7, 2008

    Home Equity Loan Beware of the lingering lien!

    A problem that often arises when people try to refinance their home is the discovery of a pre-existing lien from a previous loan that was not removed by the lending company. The cost of removing a lien and returning the title to the homeowner, a process known as reconveyance, is usually included in fees associated with a home equity loan. When the loan is paid off, the lender is generally responsible for removing the lien, so that public records show the property to be unencumbered.

    There are various reasons for why the lien isn\'t always removed - oversight on the part of the lender, especially during heavy periods of refinancing, is often the problem. Occasionally, the problem can arise when a lender is sold to another company or when that lender goes out of business. No matter what the cause, a lien that hasn\'t been removed can come back to haunt a homeowner.

    If a homeowner is in the process of refinancing a home and discovers an old lien that hasn\'t been removed, the entire refinancing process can be held up for weeks. This can be critical if the owner is trying to lock in an interest rate prior to closing. The problem can also arise when a homeowner is trying to take out another home equity loan, perhaps to facilitate debt consolidation or home improvements.

    Here are a few things you can do to avoid this problem:

  • Get a copy of your credit report. If there are any errors, particularly errors showing an open line of credit or a home equity loan that has been paid off, contact your lender.

  • Keep your paperwork from all real estate loans, even if you have already paid them off. Then you will have them at hand should you need to demonstrate that you have fulfilled your obligations.

  • If the lien shows up on public records or a credit report, but the original lender says that you have paid it, have them send you a copy of their documentation regarding your reconveyance.

  • As with most issues that come up when financing or refinancing a home, this one can be resolved by remaining diligent and keeping proper paperwork. As always, it\'s a good idea to check your credit report regularly, particularly if you plan on taking out a loan in the near future.

    Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including End-Your-Debt.com, a Website devoted to debt consolidation information and HomeEquityHelp.net, a site devoted to information on home equity loans.

    Saturday, December 6, 2008

    The State of Short Sales Today

    With foreclosures on the rise, negotiating short sales is a prime investment strategy you as a savvy real estate investor must master. In order to do so, you need to understand the state of short sales today.

    Loose lending practices by the banks over the last several years allowed people to buy houses with no money down or to borrow more than their homes were worth. Now these same people can\'t afford to pay their mortgages. Consequently, the banks are inundated with foreclosures.

    Yet they continue to make bad loans. Meaning that the number of foreclosures is only destined to keep growing.

    Ironically, the increase in foreclosures is making the banks more difficult to deal with. Since they have so many foreclosures on their hands, they believe they will make more money buying back the houses and reselling them as opposed to taking a discount on a short sale.

    Not necessarily true. For several reasons.

    First, the foreclosed houses become vacant. With no one living there to run the air conditioner or heat, the house becomes defenseless against the natural deterioration process. So while the bank maintains the selling price, the value of the house decreases as the need for repairs increases.

    Next, homeowners don\'t want to buy houses that need extensive repairs. So foreclosed houses that the bank did not invest time, effort and money to repair do not appeal to those looking to purchase a home. These buyers want to move into a livable house, not one that will require more fixing up than a new coat of paint on the walls requires.

    Finally, the location of the property could keep potential buyers away. If, for instance, a murder occurred on the same street as a foreclosed house, the value of the property diminishes in direct proportion to the increased danger of living in that section of town. But if the bank holds on to the property intending to make a profit, all that property becomes is an outstanding bad debt for the bank.

    It is thus your job as the investor to understand the state of short sales today. When you do, negotiating with the banks for deep discounts becomes easier. And gets you more properties at lower prices.

    Deb McMillan, OPHP, CMI, is a real estate investor and writer living in Hamilton, Ohio. She has written a home study course on Short Sale Success Systems, which teaches investors how to get deep discounts from the bank when buying pre-foreclosures. She has been investing in real estate since 1986 and buying, selling, and teaching short sale strategies since 2000. In Deb\'s home study course and seminars, you\'ll learn how to talk to sellers to get them to do what is necessary to save their credit. In addition, you will become familiar with bank negotiation strategies that will lead you to incredible savings when buying real estate. You will also learn about bankruptcy and what you can and can\'t do once a homeowner files. That, and so much more knowledge that will help close your deals awaits you! Log on to http://www.shortsalesqueen.com for more information and a free report.

    Friday, December 5, 2008

    Buying Your First Investment Property

    Begin With The End In Mind

    I first heard the phrase Begin with the end in mind in a Steven Covey book called The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This expression makes a lot of sense because the fact is, you can't get where you're going, unless you know where you want to go.

    Most new investors understand that real estate is an investment vehicle that makes sense. We all know that many fortunes have been built with real estate. But when you are first getting started, all the available information can be very confusing. I often receive emails asking what strategies should I use? or Where should I look to find deals?.

    One reason these issues are so difficult to understand and sort out when you are new to the investing game is that the answer to the question can be different for every individual.

    Seminars tend to package information in a one-size-fits-all crash course. But this inevitably leaves unanswered questions for each individual user. Simply put, each person has their own individual situation with regard to credit, income, employment, assets, etc. All of these factors can affect your investing choices and objectives.

    Compounding this confusion is the sheer number of strategies. Should I own rental property? Should I fix up and resell? How about Options? Or, how about buying tax leins? There are so many choices, how is one to know what to do when just starting out?

    I can remember floundering around myself. I spent thousands of dollars on different courses, trying to put all the pieces together and gain enough understanding to know what I should do first.

    It seemed that no one wanted to tell me anything useful unless I paid them first. I soon found that no matter how much money I spent, there were many unanswered questions. I felt frozen by fear, because I simply did not understand what to do first. As a result, it was several years before I actually felt comfortable enough to get directly involved in buying a property.

    Today, after having seen and participated in many deals, I know that step one is decide what you want real estate investing to do for you. In short, where do you want to go?

    Like any trip, you start out by deciding where you want to go. Once the destination has been chosen, you figure out the best way to get there.

    Many of the most successful and wealthy investors I know, built their fortunes with rental property. Some of them own 40 or more rental houses. Some of them own commercial properties like gas stations, storage facilities, or office buildings. They each had the same destination, that of cash flow from rental income, but two drastically different ways of getting there.

    Frankly, most of the really successful investors are very patient men and women who build their portfolios slowly over a number of years. They are cautious and prudent, buying only when they know the deal is a good one.

    Today, many people are lured into investing because they have heard the stories about how you can buy property with no money down, and take out enough cash at closing to pay off all your debts. This is possible, but creating one debt to pay another does have it's risks.

    Let's say that your ultimate objective is to achieve $5,000 per month passive income from rental property. Now, think of that objective as if it were a city on a road map.

    Most cities have a number of different roads you can take to get downtown.. It is the same way with your investing. Different people will arrive at the same destination, each one using a slightly different route to get there.

    Once you decide where you want to go, your route to your destination will be determined by your financing options. .

    If you have great credit, income for which you receive a W-2 statement, and lots of cash for a down payment, your financing options will allow you to take virtually any road you wish. The fact is, good credit and cash will get you where you want to go a lot faster. But it's not the only way.

    If you are credit challenged, self-employed, or lack cash for down payments, your ultimate destination can be the same, but you will need a different route to get there.

    Your financing options determine the route you have to take to get to your destination. In essence, the answer to getting started is find out what kind of financing you can get, and then find deals that work with your available financing options.

    If you can't get any kind of financing at all, you can still buy deals where the seller will agree to finance the deal, or some scenario where financing is provided without you having to qualify.

    If you have decent credit but no cash, there are investor loans with low down payments, that may make it easier for you to get in with little cash.

    If you have great credit and cash - hop on the expressway. Look for any good deal, since you can get a loan at excellent rates, in addition to taking advantage of any good seller financing deals that come your way. You have the most options for getting to your destination.

    No matter where you start from, you can still wind up at the same destination, and achieve the same objective.

    Step One: Decide where you want to go. Then, get with a good lender to find out which roads you will be able to take. Even if you have to start out on the o cash, no credit back roads, remember that sooner or later, if you keep driving, you will find an access ramp to the expressway.

    Donna Robinson is an investor, author and consultant on real estate investing, located in Atlanta, GA. Read more of her articles and get her newsletter on her website, http://www.RealEstateWholesaling.com

    Her email address is service@realestatewholesaling.com