Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Estate Plans and Trusts Discussed

We all know that we need to have our lives in order in the event of our demise because our families are so important to us. As the Death Tax slowing dies over the next many years, it behooves all of us to have estate plans and trusts set up to shield our assets from legal liabilities which can pop-up out of nowhere and also to pay the least amount of taxes to the government after we die.

Proper estate plans and specially designed trusts can insure that the least amount of liability exposure exists and also make sure that or things are in order in advance just in case we kick the bucket or run out of chips unexpectedly.

Do you have an estate plan? Have you considered the implications and taxes, which will be due in the event of your demise? Have you considered the liability you are creating with out an estate plan? Why have you allowed this to be put off for so long? There are great plans designed to help you and legal strategies, which indeed guarantee a smooth transition of your assets to your family when you leave this world.

Estate plans and trusts can set up smooth sailing for your grandchildren, their college and maybe even their first house. It makes sense to have an estate plan and trust in place to prevent years of probate and legal costs down the road and there are huge tax consequences if you do not have an estate plan and trust or trusts set up. Please consider all this in 2006.

\Lance Winslow\ - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=LanceWinslow

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