Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mobile Homes

Mobile homes or manufactured homes refer to residential structures that have the ability to be moved from one place to another. Initially called trailer homes, mobile homes have now come a long way. Modern mobile homes are much more intricate and beautiful in their designs. Some newer mobile homes appear no different than traditional brick, cement and mortar homes to the amateur eye.

There are typically two kinds of mobile homes- the singlewide and the doublewide. Singlewide mobile homes are less than sixteen feet in width when assembled, while doublewide mobile homes are more than twenty four feet in width. Singlewide mobile homes consist of single pieces which are transported by means of truck trailers to the site. Doublewide mobile homes have two parts, which are fixed together on site. Some people have reservations concerning doublewide homes, as they believe they are prone to leakages if assembled improperly. However, doublewide homes are very spacious. Triplewide mobile homes are also manufactured, but they are very scarce. A triplewide home is immensely spacious and can provide for as many as five bedrooms and three bathrooms.

Mobile homes or manufactured homes need to meet the standards of the Housing and Urban Development code of the US, popularly called the HUD code. This code was effectuated in June 15, 1976 and it delineated norms to manufacture mobile homes. These norms relate to building standards, fireproofing, plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electricity systems. Apart from these rules, if the mobile home has garages, sheds, etc. then they must meet the codes.

Earlier mobile homes were classified as movable property and taxed as vehicles. This led to a spurt in people buying them, as they saved a lot on taxes. Modifications occurred in the designs of mobile homes, and newer homes are actually permanent structures that remain on one location throughout their lives after being assembled. They no longer have wheels, but can be dismantled and erected at another location if needed. This led to amendments in the taxation process. Today mobile homes are also classified as real properties and taxes are accordingly levied on them.

Mobile Homes provides detailed information on Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Community Parks, Mobile Home Rental Dealers, New Mobile Homes and more. Mobile Homes is affiliated with Motor Home Rentals.

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