Monday, June 8, 2009

Choosing liability limits for motorcycle insurance

How do I choose liability for my motorcycle insurance?

While most states have minimum liability requirements, this is
not always the smartest choice. First determine what you would
have to lose if you were to be sued for all you are worth.
Consider all your assets such as your home, cars, jewelry, etc.
It is not uncommon for lawyers to go after your future wages. A
good rule of thumb to consider is 30% of your income for the
next 5-10 years. You can of course insure yourself for more if
you feel more comfortable. Another important point to consider
is the liability to other's vehicles. State minimums aren't
always adquate. It's hard to do a lot of damage to others on a
motorcycle. If you were to hit a brand new Mercedes, it will
cost much more to repair than an 88 Yugo. You will see liability
limits written 50/100/50. The first number is your per person
limit, the second is per accident, and the third is damage to
other's property. You can appline online for motorcycle insurance
or scooter

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